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Clinical, Happiness, & Health Psychology

Because so many of my students are interested in health, counseling, and clinical psychology, I supervise a lot of student research projects related to mental health issues.  Some of these turn out well enough to get published or at least presented at a conference.  I have also written a number of popular press essays that are relevant to this area of study.  A sampling can be seen below.


McAndrew, F. T. (2024, January 31). How Old Is 'Old Enough to Die'?  In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind. Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


McAndrew, F.T. (2023). You can’t be happy all the time, but don’t stop trying.  In L. Gaetz & D. Pelaez Gaetz (Eds.), Avenues 1 - English Skills (3rd Ed.). Montreal: Pearson ERPI. ISBN13: 9782766153794


McAndrew, F. T. (2023, May 9). Why We Feel Younger as We get Older. In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind. Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


McAndrew, F. T. (2022, October 7). Does exceptional success require sacrificing other things? In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind. Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


McAndrew, F. T. (2022, August 25). How we really choose our friends.  In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind. Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


McAndrew, F. T. (2022, April 6). The difference between being cool and being popularIn Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind. Psychology Today Magazine Blog. Also appears in Fitness Hacks for Life, September 3, 2022)


McAndrew, F. T. (2021, April 9). Why we can't stop thinking about "What Might Have Been." In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind. Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


 McAndrew, F. T. (2020, October 1). Decoding the Freudian Symbolism in your Dreams. The Minds Journal.


McAndrew, F. T. (2020, September/October). Why losing a dog can be so devastating. The Next Truth: Young People Science.


McAndrew, F. T. (2020, September 24). Why you underestimate how much other people like you. The Minds Journal.


McAndrew, F. T. (2020, August 17). A snapshot of life inside a 19th-century insane asylum.  In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind. Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


McAndrew, F. T. (2020, July 3). Three reasons why happiness is so elusive and fleeting. In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind. Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


McAndrew, F. T. (2020, June 3). Five reasons why being home all of the time is so hard. In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind. Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


McAndrew, F. T. (2019, February 24). My Experience with Transient Global Amnesia (TGA). In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind. Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


McAndrew, F. T. (2018, December 11). Why You Underestimate How Much other People Like You.  In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind. Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


McAndrew, F. T. (2018, January 1). The Freudian Symbolism in your Dreams. In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind.  Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


McAndrew, F. T. (2017, May 2). A Reflection on Near Death Experiences. In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind.  Psychology Today Magazine Blog.


McAndrew, F. T. (2017, January). Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog is so Intense. In Out of the Ooze; Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone Age MindPsychology Today Magazine. This article also appeared in many other publications, including The Conversation, IFL Science, The Houston Chronicle, Alternet, Associated Press, San Antonio Express-News, Quartz, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, SPAG Magazine, mamamia, The Observer, The Telegraph, Business Mirror, Business Insider, & Your Tango.


McAndrew, F. T. (2016, August). Why You Shouldn't want to Be Happy All of the Time. Article appeared in numerous online outlets under different titles, including Time, Business Insider, RawStory,, CNN, The Guardian, Quartz, & The Conversation.


McAndrew, F. T. (2016, May). The surprising factor that can predict your life span. In Out of the Ooze: Navigating the 21str Century with a Stone-Age Mind, Psychology Today Magazine. Also appears in Your Tango Magazine.


McAndrew, F. T. (2016). The Truth About Happiness. In L. Gaetz (Ed.), Avenues 1 - English Skills (2nd edition), pp. 31-33. Montreal, Canada: Pearson-ERPI.

Stringfellow, E. L., & McAndrew, F. T. (2010).   Parents’ Divorce is More Strongly Related to the Self-Perceived Promiscuity and Drinking Behavior of Male than of Female College Students.  Journal of College Student Development, 51, 599-600.


McAndrew, F. T., & Garrison, A. J. (2007). Beliefs about gender differences in methods and causes of suicideArchives of Suicide Research, 11, 271-279.  [This research also resulted in a poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association in Chicago, May, 2007]


Carlson, E. A., & McAndrew, F. T. (2004). Body shape ideals and perceptions of body shape in Spanish and American college students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 99, 1071-1074.


McAndrew, F.T., Akande, A., Turner, S., & Sharma, Y.(1998). A cross-cultural ranking of stressful life events in Germany, India, South Africa, & the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 29, 717-727. 


Soliman, D.R. & McAndrew, F.T. (1998). Self-Concept in Arabs and Arab-Americans. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 3, 124-126.


Fradkin-Posavac, H.D., & McAndrew, F.T.(1993, March). Predisposition for eating disorders as a mediator of body satisfaction contrast effects. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco. Portions of this research were also presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Phoenix(April, 1993).


McMichael, M.T., and McAndrew, F.T.(1985, April). Sex differences in self-reported fears. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston.


Mitchell, J.L., and McAndrew, F.T.(1984, April). Predicted social drinking and the need for social approval. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore.

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