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Cross-Cultural Psychology


By accident, I have become something of a cross-cultural psychologist. Early in my career, I had several students who were interested in cross-cultural issues, and at the time I was quite interested in nonverbal communication, something that is strongly affected by cultural variables. Therefore, it was very easy to combine my own interests with those of my students.

As my interests changed, I found that cross-cultural research was an essential component to the testing of evolutionary hypotheses; hence, I often find cross-cultural similarities to be more interesting than cross-cultural differences.  My track record in cross-cultural research is an eclectic hodge-podge of things. The journals I look at most frequently to keep up with cross-cultural research are Cross-Cultural Research and the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

A list of some of my cross-cultural research projects follows.  Most of the co-authors on these studies were students of mine at Knox College.

McAndrew, F., T. (2016). Mail Order Brides.  In T. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science.  New York: SpringerMeteor.


McAndrew, F. T. (2015, November 24). Mail Order Brides Still Exist. In Out of the Oooze: Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone-Age Mind, Psychology Today Magaizine (Blog)


Rybak, A., & McAndrew, F. T. (2006). How do we decide who our friends are? Defining levels of friendship in Poland and the United States. Journal of Social Psychology, 146, 147-163.


Minervini, B. P., & McAndrew, F. T. (2006). The mating strategies and mate preferences of mail order brides.   Cross-Cultural Research, 40, 111-129.


Carlson, E. A., & McAndrew, F. T. (2004). Body shape ideals and perceptions of body shape in Spanish and American college students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 99, 1071-1074.


Minervini, B. P., & McAndrew, F. T. (2004, July).  The mating strategies and mate preferences of mail order brides.  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Berlin, Germany.

McAndrew, F.T., Akande, A., Bridgstock, R., Mealey, L., Gordon, S., Scheib, J., Akande-Adetoun, B.E., Odeale, F., Morakinyo, A., Nyahete, P., & Mubvakure, G. (2000). A Multicultural Study of Stereotyping in English-Speaking Countries. Journal of Social Psychology, 140, 487-502. 

McAndrew, F.T., Akande, A., Turner, S., & Sharma, Y.(1998). A cross-cultural ranking of stressful life events in Germany, India, South Africa, & the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 29, 717-727. 


Soliman, D.R. & McAndrew, F.T. (1998). Self-Concept in Arabs and Arab-Americans. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 3, 124-126.


McAndrew, F.T., Turner, S., Fiedeldey, A.C., & Sharma, Y. (1998, July) Are Human Environmental Preferences Universal? Evidence from a Cross-Cultural Study of Preferences for Visual and Non-Visual Features of Outdoor Environments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Davis, CA. Click here for the tables


McAndrew, F.T., and Akande, A.(1995). African Perceptions of Americans of African and European Descent. Journal of Social Psychology, 135, 649-655.


McAndrew, F.T., & Gullapalli, G. (1993, May). American and Muslim Perceptions of Ten Islamic Nations. Paper presented at the Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.


McAndrew, F.T.(1990). Auto-and heterostereotyping in Pakistani, French, and American college students. Journal of Social Psychology, 130, 341-351.


McAndrew, F.T.(1990). The Semantic Differential Scale of National Stereotypes. In E. Perloff(Ed.), Health and Psychosocial Instruments(HAPI). Pittsburgh, PA: Behavioral Measurement Database Service.


McAndrew, F.T.(1987). Decoding visual dominance among Pakistani college students. Journal of Social Psychology, 127, 317-320.


McAndrew, F.T.(1986). A cross-cultural study of recognition thresholds for facial expressions of emotion. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 17, 211-224.


McAndrew, F.T.(1986, April). Decoding visual dominance and Pakistani college students: A failure at cross-cultural replication. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York.


McAndrew, F.T.(1985, April). Recognition thresholds for facial expressions of emotion in American and Malaysian college students. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston.


Nichols, K.R., and McAndrew, F.T.(1984). Stereotyping and autostereotyping in Spanish, Malaysian, and American college students. Journal of Social Psychology, 124, 179-189.


McAndrew, F.T., and Nichols, K.R.(1984, April). Intergroup contact and ethnic stereotyping by college students in three cultures. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore.

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