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                  Media Coverage of Research

The New Yorker (Creepiness)


Scientific American Mind Magazine


 NBC - TODAY Show & Tonight with Jay Leno


 The TODAY Show (NBC)


 The "Why Factor" (BBC)


 New York Times (testosterone & aggression study)


 Time Magazine (Haunted Houses)


The New Republic


Newsweek (Haunted Houses)


Business Insider (Haunted Houses)


National Geographic (Creepiness of Clowns)


PBS NewsHour (Creepiness of Clowns)


The Daily Mail (U.K.) (The psychology of mass shootings)


The TODAY Show (Hoda & Kathie Lee - Creepiness)


CNN (Creepy Clowns - 2017)


Time Magazine


Trailer for CBC-TV Documentary "The Real Dirt - On Gossip"


Clip from the CBC Documentary "The Real Dirt - On Gossip"

New York Times

My Response to New York Times Science Blog

ABC News


The Chicago Tribune

NBC News


CBS News - Chicago (WBBM TV) - video

CBS News - Chicago (WBBM TV) - Text


Psychology Today Magazine (Haunted Houses)


NBC News (Creepiness)


CNN (Mass Shootings)


Conan (Conan O'Brien Late Night Talk Show) (Creepiness)


Time Magazine (Picking names for babies)


The Huffington Post  (Men & mass shootings)


USA Today (Creepiness)


The Chicago Tribune (Creepy Clowns)


Time Magazine (The Creepiness of Clowns)


The Huffington Post (Creepiness)


Discovery News (Are we getting desenstized to mass shootings?)


WGBH - Boston (PBS/NPR - "Innovation Hub")


The Guardian (Why High School Stays With Us Forever)


Newsweek (Why mass shooters are always young men)


The Wall Street Journal (The value of negative emotions)


Morning Edition (NPR - National Public Radio) 


The Atlantic (Guns & Testosterone)


Psychology Today Magazine (Seeing Ghosts)


CNN (History of Mass Shootings)


Social-Engineer (Creepiness)

​ (High school stays with you forever)


The Observer (Grief over dogs)


The Boston Globe


Associated Press story on facial beauty (Appeared in dozens of newspapers)


CNN (Creepiness of Clowns - 2016)


The Academic Minute (Why high school stays with you)


The Daily Beast (the Creepiness of Clowns)


The New Republic (The Creepiness of Clowns)


Frankfurt Allgemine Zeitung (Germany - Creepiness of Clowns)


World Economic Forum (Happiness)


Slate (France - Happiness)


I Fucking Love Science (IFL Science -Creepiness of Clowns)


Psychology Today Magazine (Why High School Stays with Your Forever)


The Gil Gross Show (KKSF - San Francisco) (Creepiness)


As It Happens (CBC - Creepy Clowns)


Business Insider


MSNBC (The effects of being a "junior" - boys named after their fathers)

​ (Happiness)


The Guardian (Happiness)


National Public Radio (NPR) - On Creepiness


New York Daily News (Crowding in New York City)


NBC's TODAY Show (Creepiness) (Creepiness)


The Smithsonian (Creepiness)
The Washington Post (Creepiness)
The Washington Post (Creepy Clowns, Op-Ed)

The Washington Post (Guns & Testosterone)

The Washington Post (Gossip about politicians)


The Washington Post (Meteorologists aren't creepy)


The Washington Post (Creepiness of Clowns)


The Washington Post (Creepiness of Clowns II)


The Washington Post (High School Nostalgia)


CNN (Happiness)


The Smithsonian (Creepy Dolls)


FOX News Magazine (Creepiness)


Chicago Tribune (Haunted Houses)


WebMD (Guns & Testosterone)



Medical Daily (Happiness)


Salon (Creepy Clowns)


Irish National Radio (Creepiness)


The Chicago Tribune (Creepiness)


Business Insider (Why high school stays with us forever)


Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Grief over dogs)


FOX 19 - TV - Cincinnatti (Creepiness)


Success Magazine


Men's Health Magazine (Why men get a bang out of guns)


The Toronto Star (Creepiness of Clowns)


Discover Magazine (Creepiness)


Psychology Today Magazine (Creepiness)


The New Boston Post (Happiness)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)


The Washington Examiner

The Boston Globe (Littering)


New York Post (Why we love horror movies & haunted houses)


One News Page Video (Creepiness)


HRZone (Understanding the "Office Creep")


The BBC (Creepy Clowns)


The Huffington Post (Creepy Clowns)


New York Magazine (Creepy Clowns)


APA Monitor on Psychology (Why we are drawn to particular urban scenery)


Air Talk with Larry Mantle (KPCC - NPR - Los Angeles - Creepy Clowns)


NBC News (Creepiness)


Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Creepiness of Clowns)


Business Insider (Grief over dogs)


iflScience (Happiness) (Judging others from their e-mail messages)


YouTube (Why are things creepy?)


The Guardian (U.K.) (Tourists flocking to Las Vegas to fire machine guns)


Red Eye (FOX News Channel) (Creepiness)


WWL Radio (The Tommy Tucker Show -New Orleans) (The psychology of  fame)


Peoria Journal Star (Why we enjoy being scared)


Australian Broadcasting Company (Creepiness of Clowns)


Bangor Daily News (Creepy Clowns)


NBC News (What your emails say about you)


FOX News (Happiness) (the home court advantage in tennis)
Pacific Standard Magazine (Creepiness)

WGN Radio (Chicago) -

(The evolutionary basis of sports rivalries - especially Bears vs. Packers)


The Conversation (Men and Mass shootings)


KCBS Radio (San Francisco, with Rebecca Corrall) (Creepiness)


As It Happens (Canadian Broadcasting Company - Toronto) (Creepiness)


KRQE News 13 (Albuquerque, NM) (Creepiness)


WLTX TV (CBS - Columbia, South Carolina) (Creepiness)


The Conversation (Happiness)


News Channel 10 (CBS - Amarillo, Texas) (Creepiness)


The Audubon Society (Creepiness)


Detroit Newstime (Psychology of mass shootings)


Richard Dawkins Foundation (Mass Shootings)


The Singapore News (Mass Shootings)


The New York Post (Creepy Dolls)


NewsBeat Social (Creepiness)


WABC Radio (New York City)


CBS Philly (Creepiness)


Quartz (Grief over dogs)


The Brent Loucks Show (CKOM - Saskatchewan) (Creepiness)


1067liteFM (Creepiness)


The Durango Herald (Creepiness)


The Irish Times (Creepiness)


The Examiner


The Irish Times


Slate Magazine/


The Seattle Times


The Florida Times-Union


Forbes Woman


New York Times  Science Blog (Why we love to be scared)

​ (Creepy Clowns - by Elween Loke)


Irish National Radio (Creepiness)

Los Angeles Times (testosterone & aggression)


Aeon Magazine (Creepiness)


Alternet (Why high school stays with us forever)


KSLA TV (Los Angeles - Creepiness)


Breakfast with Geraldine Doogue (ABC - Australia) (The Family Home)


YourTango Magazine (Grief over dogs)


BBC News (Creepiness)


The Conversation (Grief over Dogs)


IFL Science (Grief Over Dogs)




FOX Illinois (Creepiness)


FOX News (Creepiness - Video)


FOX News (Creepiness)


Uganda Today (Grief over a Dog)


The Sun (U.K.) (Creepiness)


Minnesota Public Radio


The John Tesh Radio Show


Woman's Day Magazine


The Examiner


Sydney Morning Herald


Reason Magazine


USA Today (Ticket Scalping)


Huron Daily Tribune (Creepiness of Clowns - video)


The Houston Chronicle (Grief over dogs)


Sydney Morning Herald (Athletes behaving badly because of testosterone)


The Huffington Post - Mexico (Creepy Clowns)


Morning Newstime (Psychology of Mass Shootings)


FOX TV News5 (Washington DC) (Creepiness)


World News Magazine (Mass Shootings)


Hartford Courant (Naming of Children) (The psychology of awkward family photos)


Los Angeles Times (Dot Com Guy)


The Toronto Sun (Creepiness of Clowns)


The Humanist (Creepiness)


FOX 17 TV (Western Michigan - Creepiness)


The Vancouver Sun


Talk Radio 702 (Johannesburg, SA) (Haunted Houses)


The Guardian (Creepiness)


United Press International (UPI)


Associated Press (Happiness)


Business Radio (Powered by the Wharton School)


The Matt Townsend Show - BYU Radio


The Matt Townsend Show (KSL Radio - Salt Lake City - Creepy Clowns)


The Conversation (Life in Isolation)


WOSU Radio (NPR - Columbus, Ohio - Creepy Clowns)


Inner Self (Happiness)


Outbreak News This Week Radio Show (Creepy Clowns)


The Telegraph (Grief over dogs)


New York Post (Haunted Houses)


Top of Mind with Julie Rose (Radio - Creepiness)


Le Point (France - Happiness)


The Si & Gary Show  (New Zealand Radio) (Creepiness)


Oest-France (Happiness)


The Associated Press (Why High School Stays With Us Forever)


Australian Broadcasting Company (Creepiness)


The Conversation (Why High School Stays With Us Forever)


How Stuff Works (Creepiness)


Steam Register (Haunted Houses)


Sydney Morning Herald (Happiness)


WTMX - 101.9fm - Eric & Kathy (Creepiness)


The Associated Press (Grief over dogs)


New York Magazine (Creepiness)


CBS Radio - 1059SunnyFM (Creepiness)


The Ward and Al Show (Canada Talks) (Sirius XM - Channel 167) (Creepiness)


Wisconsin Public Radio (The Kathleen Dunn Show - High School & memory)


RawStory (Happiness)


Quartz (Why high school stays with you)


The REAL Daytime


Houston Chronicle


The New Zealand Herald


Psychology Today Magazine (Heroism & Competitive Altruism)


SOTT (Sign of the Times - Germany) (Creepiness)


Scroll (Mass Shootings)


The Conversation (haunted houses)


WXXV (Fox Channel 25, Gulfport, Mississippi) (Creepiness)


The Best of Our Knowledge (Why High School Stays With You)

​ (the Creepiness of Clowns)


KITV (ABC News - Hawaii - Mass Shootings)


The Conversation (Australia)(e-mail mind games)


Independent (U.K) (Creepiness)


FOX 43 TV News (Harrisburg, PA) (Creepiness)


New Statesman (Creepiness)


KLTV (ABC - Cincinnatti) (Creepiness)


Scientific American (Testosterone & Violence)


Swedish National Radio (How is gossip different from Bullshit?)


New York Magazine (Happiness)


Yackler Magazine (Creepiness)


The Nigerian Reporter (Mass Shootings)


Q107 Toronto (Creepiness)


Experience Life Magazine


Paleo for Women Health (How birth control pills can affect your love life)

​ (Happiness)


Pacific Standard Magazine (Facebook Use)


GOOD Magazine (Haunted Houses) (Heroes) (Haunted Houses) (Haunted Houses) (Creepiness)


NewsFix CLU 33 (Washington) (Creepiness)




Rawstory (Haunted Houses) (Haunted Houses)


The Times of India (Creepiness)


FOX 2 Now (St. Louis - Creepiness)


Mashable (Creepiness & the Mystery Genre)


USA Today


Rock River Times (Haunted Houses)


News and Wisdom (Mass Shootings) (Creepiness)


Yahoo Finance (Creepiness)


Nigeria News (Haunted Houses)


Critic (New Zealand; Creepiness)


AARP Bulletin (Creepiness)


News Locker (Why high school stays with us forever)




Body & Health at


Scientific American (Smiling in Primates)


London Free Press (Grief Over Dogs)


La Tribuna (Creeping Women Out)


Advanced Psychology Research (The problem of altruism)


El Mundo (Happiness)


Rawstory (The Creepiness of Clowns)


Hospitality Magazine (Restaurant Ambience)


The Daily Mail (U.K.) (Creepiness)


Playboy Magazine (Social Media) (Creepiness)


il Post (Italy; Young men, violence, & testosterone) (Creepiness) (Creepiness) (Creepiness) (Judging others from their e-mails)


New Jersey Herald (Grief over Dogs)


Shanghai Daily (Restaurant Ambience)


I Fucking Love Science (Men and Mass Shootings)  (Why we are drawn to particular urban scenery)


The Medical Daily (Basis of heroic behavior) (Creepiness)


Facts and Opinions (Grief over dogs)


813 Magazine (Creepiness)


Newsweek - Japan (Mass shootings)


Social Justice Solutions (Haunted Houses)


The Matt Townsend Show - BYU Radio - Sirius XM - Channel 143


Berner Oberlander (Switzerland) (Creepiness)


London at Large (CJBK Talk Radio - London, Ontario) (Creepiness)


Science Alert (Creepiness)


The Paris Review (Creepiness)


Alternet (Grief over dogs)


Keene Trial Consulting (Creepiness)


The Olympian (Creepiness)


Real Simple Magazine


The Financial Times


Hills News


Science + Religion Today


American Express Open Forum


Braingell Radio (Aggression and heavy metal music)


The Daily Mail (Creepy Clowns)


Channel NewsAsia (Grief over dogs) (Creepiness)


Take the Lead (Happiness) (creepiness)

​ (Creepy Dolls)


The Daily Telegraph




Oye! Times


Misterio Press (Why is being scared out of our wits fun?)
​ (Happiness)


Pop Psychology (Heroism and Competitive Altruism)


Z100 FM (Eau Claire, WI -Creepiness)


Rain from a Stranger


Philadelphia Examiner (Littering)


Brazilian Top Team (Does smiling predict the winner of MMA fights?)


B-93.7 FM (Creepiness)


Levo League (Creepiness) (Judging others based on their e-mail messages)


Discover Magazine (Creepiness)


News 4 - NBC - San Antonio, TX (Creepiness)


EyeWitness News (Mass shootings) (Mass Shootings)


New Zealand Herald (Creepiness)


YouTube (Creepiness of Clowns)


Your Tango (predicting your life span)


One News Page


The Knox Student (Cyber Love/Online Dating)


Business Insider (Happiness)


14 TV NEWS (NBC - Evansville, Indiana) (Creepiness)


Bozeman Daily Chronicle (Restaurant Ambience)


A story from Belgium about Mass Shootings (In Flemish)


The Independent Online (Grief over dogs)


Scientific American - Brazil (Testosterone & Violence)


Die Welt (Germany) (Creepiness)


The Progressive Cynic (Guns & Aggression)


The Week (Creepiness)


BioTechniques (Creepy Clowns)


NewsBeat Radio (High School Nostalgia)


mamamia (Grief over dogs)


Yahoo News (Creepiness)

​ (Why high school stays with us forever)


Horror/Creepy Short Stories (Creepiness)


EEBS Berenstein (Using fear to sell products)


Men's Health Magazine (Southern Africa)(Guns and testsoterone)


Cosmopolitan (creepiness)


E! Scientific News (Happiness)


The Oklahoman (Why high school stays with us forever)


Psyche Life (Haunted Houses)


JobDig for Employers (Facial expressions and politicians)


Business Mirror (Grief over dogs)


Morning News Times (Mass Shootings)


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SkepticBlog (The Evolution of Heroic Behavior)

​ (Celebrity Gossip)


Delaware News Journal (Coaching Millennials in the NFL)


The Courier Post (part of USA Today Network - Coaching Millennials in the NFL)

​ (Portugal - The violence of young men)


Psychology Today Magazine (Grief over Dogs)


Dhaka Tribune (France)


PsyPost (Why high school stays with us forever)


Kansas City Star (Creepiness of Clowns)


Le Monde (Creepiness of Clowns)


The New Boston Post (Why high school stays with you forever)


Yorkshire Evening Post (Killer Clowns)


WNYC (NPR - New York City)


Die Welt (Germany)


HappyMed TV  (Romania) (Creepiness)

​ (Things that predict a long life)


Hippo Reads (Why High School Stays With Us Forever)


The Post Bulletin (Grief over dogs)


Pakistan Abroad (Creepiness)


WMBD Radio (Peoria)

​ (Creepiness)


Children in


Back Talk:


Healthcare Quarterly




Grey Matters (Interior Design)


The Calgary Sun (Creepiness of Clowns)


Intellectual Takeout (Life in Isolation)


PsyPost (Mass shootings) (Creepiness)


Your Tango (Creepiness)


West Fargo Pioneer (Creepiness)


News Flow 24 (Why high school stays with us forever)


CrossRoads Today - ABC NewsCenter 25 (Mass Shootings)


YouTube (the Creepiness of Clowns)

​ (Happiness)

​ (Happiness)


Stoere Jongenzzz (Netherlands - Creepiness)


Prosieben (Germany - Creepiness)

​ (Happiness)


Foundation for Economic Education (Happiness)


Radio One (Predicting Life Span)




The Islander


Parkes Champion Post

Ask the Monsters





C-Health ( - Canada

Medical News Today (testosterone & aggression)


Take the Lead (Happiness)


Tages Anzeiger (Switzerland) (Creepiness)


The Age (Australia - Happiness)


Radio 1031 - The Wolf (Creepiness)


Inner Self (Life in Isolation)


MX (metroexpress - Denmark) (Creepiness)


Real Clear Science (Happiness)


World News Magazine (Why high school stays with us forever)


The Daily Mail (U.K.) (Creepiness of Clowns)


Mad in America (Happiness)


Peoria Journal Star (Creepiness)


OpEdNews (Happiness)


The Houston Chronicle (Creepiness)

​ (Grief over the death of a dog)


Business Insider (The Creepiness of Clowns)


Galore Magazine (Creepiness) (Littering) (Creepiness)


The Independent/ (Mail Order Brides)


Steam Register (Creepiness of Clowns)


Jewish World Review


Pravda (Horror Movies)

Softpedia (Fear is useful & haunted houses) (Creepiness)


E! Scientific News (Why high school stays with us forever)


Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Creepy Clowns)


680 News (Creepy Clowns)


Medical (Happiness)


Inc (Creepiness)


REVELIST (Creepiness)


Lincoln Journal Star (Restaurant Ambiance)


Plethrons (Creepiness)


The Daily Mail (UK)

The Times of India (Guns & Testosterone) (Creepiness)


The Masculine Heart (Evolution of heroic behavior)


GQ (Spanish - Happiness)


The Daily Nebraskan (Guns & Testosterone)


Cerveau & Psycho (France)


Hartford Advocate (Littering)


METRO (U.K.) (Creepiness) (Creepiness)


British Psychological Society Research Digest (Creepiness) (Creepiness) (Creepiness)


Current Affairs Magazine (Mass Shootings)


The Edmonton Sun (Creepiness of Clowns)


PsyPost (Life in Isolation)


WesternMassNews (Creepiness)


The Times (U.K. - Creepiness)


WGIL Radio (Galesburg, IL) (Multiple appearances on multiple topics)

​ (Creepiness)


Inside Hook (Why everyone hates clowns)


Bild der Wissenschaft




The Alaska Dispatch

Management Issues

Amarillo Globe News



BT Office Furniture Blog


Eyre Peninsula Tribune


The Knox Student (Testosterone & Rage)


The Epoch Times (Creepy Clowns)


The Big Think (Creepiness of Clowns)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)


The San Antonio Express-News (Creepiness of Clowns)


Who cares? What's the point? (Podcast - creepiness)


The Singapore News (Creepy Clowns)


Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Restaurant Ambiance)


Providentia (Killer Clowns)

​ (Creepiness of Clown)


La Vanguardia (Grief over dogs)


The Wireless (Creepiness of Clowns)


OnlineKhabar (Nepal) (Life in Isolation)

​ (Creepy Clowns)


iNews (U.K. - Creepiness of Clowns)

​ (Grief over Dogs)


Psychology Today (Germany - Creepiness)


Mass Appeal (Creepiness of Clowns)


New Zealand Herald (Creepiness of Clowns)


Wiley Psychology Update (Creepiness of Clowns)


World News (Creepy Clowns)


The Ballymena Times (Creepy Clowns)


Estonian Public Broadcasting (Creepiness)


Tampa Bay Times (Creepiness of Clowns)


Your Choice (Creepiness of Clowns)


HispanTV (Creepiness of Clowns)


El Espanol (Creepiness of Clowns)


Vox (Creepiness of Clowns)


Yahoo News (Creepiness)


The Advice Goddess (Creepiness)


The Conversation (The Creepiness of Clowns)


The Times-Picayune (New Orleans - Creepiness of Clowns)

​ (Creepiness of Occupations)


Science Alert (Creepiness of Clowns) (Creepiness)


RawStory (Happiness)


Bay News 9 (Creepiness of Clowns)


The Dirt (Creepiness of Clowns)


The Vocal


The Society Pages (Creepiness)


Chatt Sports Net (Haunted Houses)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)


Channel 15 - ABC - Arizona (Creepiness of Clowns)


The Post Internazionale (Happiness)


Associated Press (Life in Isolation) (Creepiness)


Metro (Sweden) (Creepiness)


Motherboard (Netherlands) (Creepiness)


Seoul Broadcasting System (Creepiness)


Seoul Broadcasting System (The Creepiness of Clowns)


Thrill List (Creepiness of Clowns)


Medical Daily (Creepiness)


FOX 6 News (Creepiness)


The Week ("Roid Rage")


FOX TV (Wilmington, NC) (Creepiness)


The New Castle News (Creepiness of Clowns)


Vice (Broadly) (Creepiness)


100.3 JACK FM (Creepiness of Clowns)


Newser (Creepiness)


ESPN (Jalen & Jacoby - Creepiness)


Focus (Germany) (Creepiness)


Applied Evolutionary Psychology Society (Creepiness)


WYFF Channel 4 (NBC - Creepiness of Clowns)


METRO (U.K. - Creepiness of Clowns)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)




The Post and Courier


Elle Canada


Chester County  Ramblings

St. Louis Post-Dispatch


Counterpoint (Talk Radio, Kingston, Jamaica)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)

​ (Crepiness of Clowns)


Elsevier SciTech Connect (Happiness)


Guru Careers (Creepiness) (Creepiness)


The Mirror (U.K.) (Creepiness)

Collie Mail


Stephen Viscusi's Blog


West Coast Sentinel

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (Story on DotCom Guy)


Association for Psychological Science (Happiness)


The Richmond Times-Dispatch (Creepy Clowns)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)


9 News/MSN (Creepiness)


Headlines News (The making of a murderer)


El Espanol (Creepy Clowns)

​ (Happiness)


Mix929FM (Creepiness) (Why we love to be scared) (Creepiness) (Why do dogs smile with their teeth?)


The Houston Chronicle (Creepiness of Clowns)

​ (ABC News - History of mass shootings)


The Post Internazionale (Italy - Creepiness of Clowns)

​ (Happiness)


Mix92.9 FM (Creepiness)


The Muslim Times (Creepiness) (Creepiness)

​ (happiness) (Creepiness)


Sociology of Creepiness (Creepiness)


Omaha World Herald (Creepiness)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)


The Martial Arts Muse


ArticleCats (Creepiness)


The Hamilton Spectator (Creepy Clowns)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns) (Creepiness)


Oxford University Press Middle-School Reader


Aftenposten (Norway)


KFVS 12 (St. Louis) (Creepiness)


The Guardian (U.K. - Creepiness) (Slovakia)


Dinside (Norway)


NewsYac (Mass Shootings)


derstandard (Austria)


Innovations Report (German)


Intellectual Takeout (Creepiness)


Freundin (Germany) (Do  dogs smile?)


Bild der Wissenschaft


Pagina 12 (Argentina) (Guns & Testosterone)


Heilpraxisnet (Germany - Creepiness)


Psychology Today (Restaurant Ambience)


Apotheken-Umschau (Germany - Creepiness)


George Journal (Judging people by their e-mails)


The Niagara Falls Review (Creepiness of Clowns) (Litter)


The American Genius (Creepiness)


The Good Men Project (Guns & Violence)


Playground Magazine (Creepiness)

​ (Creepy Clowns)


92.7 FM - The Laser (Galesburg, IL - Creepiness)


The Nigerian Reporter (Creepiness)


Local21 News (CBS) (Creepiness) (Creepiness)


MetroNews (France - Creepiness)


National Geographic - Italy (Creepy Clowns)


The Pocono Record (Creepiness of Clowns)


LI News Radio (Mass shootings) (Creepiness)


Neatorama (Creepiness) (Creepiness) (Creepiness)


Friends of Snakes Society (Creepiness)


E! Scientific News (Creepiness of Clowns)


Chatt Sports Net (Haunted Houses)


Washington News Cloud (Happiness)


n-tv - Germany (Creepy Clowns)


RP-Online (Germany - Creepy Clowns)


The Good Men Project


Diario LasAmericas (Creepy Clowns)


infouno (Creepy Clowns)


Wonder: Strategies for Good


Litchfield County Times


HighBeam Business


ScienceOn (Korea)


Sun Times Network - Philadelphia (Creepiness)


United States Today Updates (Happiness) (Creepiness)


Kantipuri (Life in Isolation)


The Montreal Gazette (Creepiness)


The Bobby D Show (Creepiness)


Rebel Circus


Super Interassante

Woodstock Conservation Commission (Littering)

​ (Creepy Clowns)


Refinery 29 (Creepiness)


True Viral News (Creepiness) (Smiling in primates)


ZeitJung (Germany - Creepiness)


Omtalat (Sweden - Creepiness)


New England Stuff (Life in Isolation)


Collie Rescue Foundation (Grief over Dogs)


Centire (India) (Creepiness)


The Ottawa Sun (Creepiness of Clowns)


Epoch Times (Why high school stays with us forever)


7 Days (Netherlands - Creepy Clowns)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)


Wild 104 FM (Creepiness)


Current Affairs Magazine (Happiness)


Ita Punta (Creepiness of Clowns)


ACEs Connection Network (Life in Isolation)


WPLJ (NYC - Creepiness)


WJEZ FM (Creepiness)


Eastern Ontario Network (The Creepiness of Clowns)




Celeb Calls (Testosterone & Violence)


Methodus (Brazil)


Jyllands-Posten (Denmark - Creepy Clowns)


Sports Site (Mail Order Brides)


The Columbian (Creepiness)


Government of Nova Scotia Litter Survey


Guia do Estudante (Brazil)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)


Cesky Rozhlas (Czech Republic)


DAILYMETRO (Happiness)


Healthcare News (Creepiness)


Nepal News (Life in Isolation)


Essential Kids (Creepy Clowns) (Creepiness) (is the exclamation mark used  too frequently?) (Seeing Ghosts)


House Portraits by Deb (The importance of "home")


HP DE TIJD (Netherlands - Creepiness of Clowns)


The Age (Happiness)


Climatologia Geografica (Brazil - Creepy Clowns)


The Odyssey (Creepy Clowns)


Time Magazine - Japan (Happiness)


Jaipur Women's Blog (Creepiness)


The Daily Emerald


LizzyNet (Germany - Creepiness)


Effingham Daily News (Creepiness of Clowns)


Science 2.0 (mass shootings)


El Guasap


Paging Dr. Nerdlove (Creepiness)


Business News World (Happiness)


Gavdosim (Greece - Creepiness)


NewsTex (Why high school stays with you forever)


Healthier Life (Why high school stays with us) (Creepiness) (Creepiness)


Videnskab (Denmark - Creepy Clowns)

​ (Creepiness) (Creepiness) (Creepiness)


Eastern Ontario Network Television (Creepy Clowns)

​ (Why High School Stays With Us Forever)


The Independent (Creepiness)


All About Writing (High School)

​ (Happiness)


Digital News Buzz (Happiness)

​ (mass shootings)

​ (Creepiness)


TheBrainFlux (Creepiness) (Creepiness)

​ (Why high school stays with you)


Collection Services


101.3 The Jockey (Creepiness)

​ (Creepiness)


Tipsy Engineering (Creepiness)


444!!! (Hungary - High school stays with you)


Charleston Gazette-Mail (Happiness)


Wigan Today (Creepy Clowns)


Wonders & Oddity (Creepiness)


LBfromLV (Why high school stays with you)

​ (creepiness of men)

​ (Creepy Clowns)


The Winnipeg Sun (Creepiness of Clowns)


Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at 9.38.03 PM.png (grief over dogs)


Inverse (Creepiness)


The Stamford Advocate (Restaurant Ambience)


Greensboro, NC News & Record (Grief over dogs)



Sydney Morning Herald (Athletes behaving badly)


Spirit of Change Magazine (happiness)


Korean Version of Scientific American Article


Informal Coalitions

Pragma Synesi - Thoughts (testosterone & violence)


Science Rocks My World (Happiness)


Wonkville (Creepiness)


Latest Canada

Sydney Morning Herald


Johnny Grey Studios (Melding Design and Psychology)


The Danbury News Times (Restaurant Ambience)


abc 13 News Now (Creepy Clowns)


GMX Oestrreich (Creepy Clowns)


Women's Health (Creepiness)


Biotechniques (Creepiness)


Puerto Vallarta Daily News (Mexico)(Grief over dogs)


Stimme (Germany - Creepy Clowns)


RateMDs (Creepy Clowns)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)


RawStory (Happiness)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)


She Blossoms (Grief over Dogs)


Spektrum (Germany - Creepy Clowns)


Our Better Health (Predicting Life Span)


PsychCentral (Grief over dogs)


Connecticut Post (Restaurant ambience)


Web.DE (Creepy Clowns)

​ (creepiness)


Daily Dog Dosage (Grief over dogs)


GQ (Spanish)(Happiness)


Hot Spot (Official Publication of the Penn-Ohio Newfoundland Club (Grief over dogs)


Chris KP (Creepiness)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)


Aleteia (Grief over dogs)


The News & Advance (creepy clowns)


The Montana Standard (Restaurant Ambiance)


Learning from (Grief over dogs)


Casino Daily News (Creepiness of Clowns)


FHM (Creepiness)


Medibid (Creepiness of Clowns)


All Night (Creepiness)


The Village Sun Times (Creepiness of Clowns)


Newsletter (Belfast, Northern Ireland) (Killer Clowns)


World Breaking News (Creepiness)


Greenville College Papyrus (Creepy Clowns)


Digital Chew (Creepiness of Clowns)


Mag Series USA (Creepiness of Clowns)


Cameron Park Counseling Center (Life in Isolation)


The New Influencer (Restaurant Ambience)


Rach Feed (Creepiness of Clowns)

​ (Mass shootings)


Lavan Guardia Internacional (Creepiness of Clowns)


Focus (Germany - Creepy Clowns)


Stockwell Bretton


Sunny FM 1059 (Creepiness)


The Culpepper Star Exponent (Creepiness of Clowns)


All4Women (Life in Isolation)


Vegas Sports Odds (Creepy Clowns)


Doctissimo (France - Creepiness)

​ (Creepiness of Clowns)


Recovery Today USA (Life in Isolation)


Idee Deco Cuisine (Creepy Clowns)


Frankfurter Neue Presse (Creepy Clowns)

​ (Awkwardness of Family Life)


The Frontier (Creepiness of Clowns)


Soren Dreier (Creepiness)


El Arabiya


Mindful of Your Own Business (Happiness)


The Beaumont Enterprise (Restaurant Ambience)


BuzzBry (happiness)


Geo Pakistan (mass shootings)

​ (creepiness)


Von Braune (Testosterone & Aggression)


Angle News (Creepiness of Clowns)


Victorian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (What does your email say about you?)


Science World Report (Creepiness of Clowns)


Telegraaf (The Netherlands - Creepy Clowns)


Diario De Cuyo (Creepiness)

​ (Creepiness)


Student Leader Magazine


Parent Herald (Creepiness)


Democratic Underground (Creepiness)


Lockhart Media (Restaurant Ambience)


The London Free Press (Creepiness of Clowns)


Aleteia (Grief over dogs)


MetroTell South Africa (Life in Isolation)


Intellectual Takeout (Happiness) (Creepiness)


The Science Explorer (Creepy Clowns) (Creepiness)

​ (Why we like to be scared)


Good (Haunted Houses)


Essential Kids (Creepy Clowns)


Kenya Today (Creepiness) (Australia - Creepiness)


Elko Daily Free Press (Ghosts & Religion) (Creepiness) (Creepiness)


KARE11 - NBC TV (Ghosts & Religion)


OSEL (Czech Republic - Creepy Clowns)


Idaho Press Tribune (Restaurant Ambience)


PopSugar (Creepy Clowns)


Daily Dog Dosage (Grief over dogs)


Earthwise Pet (Grief over dogs)


New Boston Post (Happiness)


SFGate (the Creepiness of Clowns)


El Confidencial (Creepiness)


Truth Theory (Grief over dogs)


Reporte Indigo (Creepy Clowns)


Chicago Tribune (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)


North Thompson Star/Journal (Creepy Clowns)


Papo de Homem (Brazil)


Plus (Czech Republic)


Focus (Germany - Creepiness)


Life with Dogs (Grief over dogs)


Beritagar (Indonesia - Creepy Clowns)


The Post Bulletin (Grief over Dogs)


The News & Observer (Life in Isolation)


Spirit of Change Magazine (Grief over Dogs)


FHM (Creepy Clowns)


Lavanguardia (Grief over Dogs)


Paper Hope (Happiness)


The Free Weekly (Creepiness)


Evolution News


PJ Media (Creepiness)


The Marshall Memo (High School Nostalgia)


Sud Ouest (Creepy Clowns)


First Coast News (Ghosts & Religion)


Sentieri Selvaggi (Italy) (Creepy Dolls)


Lovin My Pup (Grief over dogs)


The Daily Courier (Creepy Clowns)


King Gossip (Female Beauty)


El Guasap (Creepiness)


Joanna Parypinski (Creepy Clowns)


KENH TV (Vietnam) (Creepy Dolls)

​ (Grief Over Dogs)


Rather Be in the Man Cave (Creepiness)


ABC Radio Perth (Afternoons with Gillian O'Shaughnessy) (Creepy Clowns)

​ (Happiness)

​ (Creepy Clowns)


Student Edge News (Creepy Clowns)


DI (Sweden)(Happiness)


The Peninsula Clarion ( Guy)


Following the Light of the Unknown (Creepy Clowns)


Australian Business Review (Happiness)


Salmon Arms Observer (Creepy Clowns)


The Houston Chronicle (Ghosts & Religion)


The Week (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)


The Cheat Sheet (Creepiness)


Multimedios Laguna (Creepy Clowns)


The Raw Story (Ghosts & Religion)


Reporte Indigo (Creepy Clowns)


Judao (Creepiness)


The Independent (Creepy Occupations)


Chicago Tribune (Ghosts & religion)

​ (Creepiness)


The Shoe Cartel (Creepy Clowns)


ITV News - London (Mass Shooting)


Vernon Morning Star (Creepy Clowns)


San Francisco Chronicle (Mass Shootings)


Chicago Tribune (Creepy Clowns)


Los Angeles Times (Ghosts & Religion)


JSTOR Daily (Creepy Clowns)


OverSixty (Grief over Dogs)


Slate (Heroism)


YyeiaOnline (Creepy Clowns)


WGRZ-TV (NBC)(Ghosts & Religion)


CBS -TV19 (Ghosts & Religion)


CBS News Radio (KCBS, San Francisco) (Mass Shootings)


Quartz (Ghosts & Religion)


KSDK-TV (NBC)(Ghosts & Religion)


Spring.St (Life in Isolation)


GIZMODO (Seeing Ghosts)


Newsweek (Poland)


Milenio (Creepy Clowns)


The Madera Tribune (Ghosts & Religion)




Duluth News (Creepy Clowns)


Your Tango (Seeing Ghosts)


WBIR-TV10 (Ghosts & Religion)


Drive with Ali Mau (New Zealand)(Creepy Clowns)


Portsmouth Daily Times (Ghosts & Religion)


The New Indian Express (Mass Shootings)


Arizona Daily Sun (Ghosts & Religion)

​ (Ghosts & Religion)


The Belfast Newsletter (Creepy Clowns)


SPAG Magazine (Grief over Dogs, pp. 46-47)


The Daily Texan (Creepy Clowns)


YubaNet (Ghosts & Religion)


Sound Books (Seeing Ghosts)

​ (Parkland teens pushing for gun control)


The News Minute (Ghosts & Religion)


Focus (Creepy Clowns)


Flowee (Czech Republic)(Ghosts)


Codigo Nuevo (Happiness)


BBC Indonesia (Creepy Clowns)


NewsOne (Mass Shootings)


Bustle (How your name affects your love life)


Observador (Creepy Clowns)


London Sunday Times (Mass Shootings)


Pourquoi Docteur? (Creepy Clowns)


RT (Spanish Edition)(Grief over Dogs)


Qrius (Formerly the Indian Economist) (Ghosts & Religion)

​ (Happiness)


LiveScience (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)


The Verge (Creepy Children's Videos)


Magnet (Ghosts & Religion)


Brigitte (Seeing Ghosts)


Your Tango Magazine (Female Beauty)


Daily Mail (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)


Doc Zone (Canadian Broadcasting Company - Full Episode - "The Real Dirt on Gossip")


The Big Think (Ghosts & Religion)


KSDK TV (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)


LiveScience (Happiness)

​ (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)


Univision (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)


France24 (Creepy Clowns)


Actualite Houssenia Writing (Creepy Clowns)


Essencia Ayam (Communication with the dead)


The Reader (Ghosts & Religion)


Studio 10 - The Daily Dilemma (Creepiness)

​ (Why there's no place like home for the holiday)


YouTube (Why men are disgusting)


Hot Springs Sentinel-Record (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)


Republika (Happiness)

​ (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)


YouTube (Creepiness)


The Missourian (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)


Channel 5 News - St. Louis (Creepy Clowns)


Donna Glamour (Italy - Happiness)


Hir.Ma (Hungary - Creepy Clowns)


O2 (Poland - why men are more disgusting than women)


Roundhouse Radio 98.3 - Vancouver (Seeing Ghosts)


Correio (Brazil)


Eva (Romania - Creepy Clowns)

​ (Grief over Dogs)

​ (Grief over Dogs)

​ (Grief over dogs)


KENH 789 (Mass Shootings)


The Daily Mail (Parkland teens pushing for gun control)


France 24 (Parkland teens pushing for gun control)

​ (Grief over dogs)


Yahoo News (Parkland teens pushing for gun control)


UOL (Brazil - Parkland teens pushing for gun control)


UNO TV Noticias (Parkland teens pushing for gun control)


Clarin (Parkland teens pushing for gun control)




Codigo Nuevo

TVA Nouvelles (Parkland teens pushing for gun control)
The Knox Student (Confronting your inner Trump) (Chile - Parkland teens pushing for gun control)
The Manila Bulletin (Parkland teens pushing for gun control)
Times of India ("Never Again" kids pushing for gun control)
USA News ("Never Again" kids pushing for gun control)
SBS News ("Never Again" kids pushing for gun control)
Zero Hora (Brazil - "Never Again" kids pushing for gun control)
Le Devoir ("Never Again" kids pushing for gun control)
GEO TV (Mass shootings)
YoungPost (Mass shootings)
The Malay Mail ("Never again" kids pushing for gun control) (Grief over dogs)
El Imparcial (Parkland teens & gun control)
Chipiona (Gun Control)
Journaldu Maghreb (Gun Control)
FOX News (Why we need negative emotions)
El Telegrafo (Parkland teens & gun control)
El Observador (Gun Control)
YesMag (Creepiness of Clowns)
El Universo (Gun Control) (Seeing ghosts & social isolation)
L' Expresse (Gun Control)
105.3 FM (Creepiness)
SudTirol News (are there ghosts?)
GV Wire (Grief Over Dogs)
San Francisco Chronicle (The You Tube Shooter)
In Your Right Mind (KABC Talk Radio 790, Los Angeles) (Psychology of Mass Shooters)
BrinkWire (The You Tube Shooter)
MEL Magazine (What's the perfect number of friends for a night out?)
Tonic (by Vice) (Mourning the death of a dog)
Blush Magazine (Women & Smiling)
Alternet (Mourning the Death of  Dog)
Racked (Why do we care about Carrie Underwood's face?) (Creepiness)
Chris KP (Creepiness)
Spring.St (Life in isolation)
Mind and Emotion (Why pretty girls get bullied)
Gigazine (Grief over dogs)
Big Think (How the God you worship influences the ghosts you see)
Big Think (How your name influences your love life and career)
Quartz (When the death of a dog hurts so much) (Grief over losing a dog)
The Huffington Post (Why do humans still experience negative emotions?)
Beritagar (Indonesia) (The Creepiness of Clowns)
Republika (Einstein's Theory of Happiness)
Quartz (Telling secrets is a power move)
PuppyUp (Grief over losing a dog)
CTV News (Creepy Clowns)
El Nueve (Why losing a dog is traumatic)
The Big Smoke (People with odd names are doomed to fail)
El Pais (Creepiness of Dolls)
Flowee (Seeing Ghosts - Czech Republic)
Pronto (Why losing a dog is so hard)
Kumparan (Indonesia - Gossip)
Stand Up to Bullying (Why pretty girls get bullied)
PSYCHLopaedia (Australian Psychological Society)(Why there's no place like home for the holidays)
KVUE - ABC News (Ghosts and Religion)
Yyeia Online (Greece - Creepy Clowns)
La Nacion (Paraguay -grief over the death of a dog)
"Top of Mind" with Julie Rose (BYU Radio)) (Grief over losing a dog)
Focus on the Family's "PluggedIn" (Creepy Clowns)
ELLE (India) (Men are creepier than women)
The Psychiatric Times (Grief over dogs)
Dr. Nerdlove (Creepiness)
Hello Giggles (Creepiness)
Dazed (Creepiness)
Inverse (The "hi stranger" video & creepiness)
Vampire Squid (Why do creepy kids give us the heebie-jeebies?)
Psych Up Live (Voice America Radio)
Business Insider (Grief over dogs)
Core Aspect (Gossip as a social skill)
Following the Light of the Unknown (Creepy Clowns)
Medium (Favoritism's favorite friend)
Infobae (Grief over dogs)
Donna Glamour (Happiness)
We are the Mighty (dumb reasons for going to war)
La Neta Noticias (Creepiness)
Lexington Clipper Herald (High School Memories)
Two Shrinks Pod (Creepy Clowns) (What makes men creepy)
TopSante (Creepiness)
Welingelichte Kringen (Creepiness)
MEL Magazine (Dealing with fuck-ups in your friend group)
FOX 43 (Creepiness)
Univision (Grief over dogs)
Magnet (Grief over dogs)
Entrepreneur (Grief over dogs)
La Nueva Espana (Grief over dogs)
International Business Times (Creepy Clowns) (Grief over dogs)
Upworthy (Grief over dogs)
The Conversation (Nigerian Prince Scams)
The Houston Chronicle (Nigerian Prince Scams)
Plainview Daily Herald (Nigerian Prince Scams)
Actualite Houssenia Writing (Nigerian Prince Scams)
Inverse (Nigerian Prince Scams)
San Francisco Chronicle (Nigerian Prince Scams)
Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Nigerian Prince Scams)
Business Insider (Why we fear clowns)
iAfrikan (Nigerian Prince Scams) (Nigerian Prince Scams)
Kiowa County Press (Nigerian Prince Scams)
MercatorNet (Nigerian Prince Scams)
International Business Times (Nigerian Prince Scams)
The Reader (Nigerian Prince Scams)
Prof Magazine (Workplace gossip in higher education)
Laredo Morning Times (Nigerian Prince Scams)
Salon (Nigerian Prince Scams)
The Markley and van Camp Show  (FM News 101, KXL in Portland, Oregon - Colorado man killed his wife and daughters)
Channel News Asia (Nigerian Prince Scams) (Ghosts & Religion)
The Houston Chronicle (Why we fear clowns)
Mel Magazine (When did men stop naming their sons after themselves?)
Mel Magazine (Why do men carry all the groceries in one load?)
Atlas Obscura (Ghost Stories)
The Audiopedia (Creepiness)
The Seeker (Fear of Clowns)
Dr. Maurice Mizrahi (You Tube)
The Brain Flux (Creepiness)
La Mula (Rumors at the office)
Social Underground (Creepy Clowns)
WESH - Orlando (Creepiness of Clowns) (Grief over dogs)
Quartz (do smiles have a sound?)
Visao (Portugal)(Gossip can be good) (Indonesia)(Seeing Ghosts)
The Philly Voice (Grief over dogs)
VideoElephant (Creepy Clowns)
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Grief over dogs)
India TV (Grief over dogs)
Animal Channel (Grieving over a dog)
Unilad (creepy clowns)
The CW33 (Creepiness)
The Outline (Creepiness of "the Joker" (from Batman)
Beritagar (What is the right number of people for a group conversation? - Indonesia)
Rivista Studio (The Joker from Batman)
Mount Airy News (Life in Isolation)
Handelsblatt (Office Gossip (Germany))
Psychology Today Magazine (When do personality traits predict behavior?) (Why we see ghosts)
dailymotion (Fear of Clowns)
Alternet (Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugordje)
The Big Smoke (Grief over losing a dog)
The Poughkeepsie Journal (Creepiness)
The Milton Keynes Citizen (Killer Clowns)
APost (grief over the death of a dog)
Elsevier SciTech Connect (Psychology of Happiness)
Charleston Gazette-Mail (Why we need negative emotions)
Prevention (Pediophobia - The fear of dolls)
The Atlantic (Pediophobia - the fear of dolls)
Erraticus (Grief over the death of a dog)
CTV News (Creepy Clowns)
The Lisa Valentine Clark Show (BYU Radio) (Zombies)
Inverse (Ads that are too spooky for kids)
Electric Literature (Creepy Dolls)
History 101 (Creepy Dolls) (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)
India TV (Why haunted houses creep us out)
The Dispatch-Argus (The science of creepiness)
Quartz (Teen age memories)
CNN (Designing haunted houses)
KENH 14 (Vietnam)(Creepy Dolls)
WPLG Local News 10 (ABC News)(Architecture of haunted houses)
Occupy World (men & Guns) (Ghosts & Religion)
Raw Story (Ghosts & Religion)
The Huffington Post (The creepiness of Pokemon characters) (the right size for a group conversation)
HuffPost France (Creepiness of Pokemon characters)
Terrafemina (10 creepiest jobs)
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (Horror stories making a comeback) (Celebrity gossip)
PowR Video (Creepiness of Clowns) (Creepiness of Pokemon characters)
WTVA News (architecture of haunted houses)
PsyPost (Grief over a dog)
The Huffington Post (Controversy over President Bush's service dog "Sully")
KENH 14 (Vietnam)(Does sharing hate create friendship?)
Medium (How shared hatred creates friendships) (Awkward family photos) (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)
Inverse (Why there's no place like home for the holidays)
MAPO (Why we underestimate how much other people like us)
The Southern Illinoisan (Grief over dogs)
The Pantagraph (Grief over dogs)
The List (Why we find smiles so attractive)
The Irish Examiner (Losing a dog)
The Sitka News (Losing a dog)
Stylist (Why we care about the royal baby)
GQ Espana (Why it is impossible to be happy all the time)
Lost Bird (Why clowns creep us out)
Junge Welt (creepiness)
In Touch Weekly (Creepiness of Clowns)
Wall Street Window (Grief over a dog) (Grief over dogs) (What are the most sinful states in America?)
KFDA News Channel 10, Amarillo, Texas (Texas is the 4th most sinful state in America)
Aleteia (Most sinful American States)
NBC's Today Show (Why the "Momo" scare character is so creepy)
Popular Science (Why the "Momo" scare is creepy) (Why we are scared of clowns)
The Daily Advertiser (The sinfulness of the state of Louisiana)
NEWS4SA (Effects of contraceptives on romance)
Forbes Magazine (Creepiness of the Momo character)
The Huffington Post (Why we "like" hot-looking people's pics on Instagram)
Let's Go There with Shira Lazar & Ryan Mitchell - Channel Q (Los Angeles) (Why we "Like" hot-looking people's pics)
The Fresh Toast (Why do we "Like" the Instagram posts of famous people?)
Think Tank (YouTube Video)(How not to be a creep)
Romper (When do the personalities of babies develop?)
The Chestnut Post (Why we "Like" pictures of hot-looking people on Instagram)
DELFI (Why we are destined to be unhappy (Lithuanian))
HLN (Belgium) (Why we "Like" the pictures of hot-looking people on Instagram)
Thrive Global (The perils of social isolation)
AlphaNews (Why we like the pictures of hot-looking people on Instagram)
Knox Prairie Fire (Mentoring College Athletes)
CNBC (Why we still fall for Nigerian Prince scams)
WVKC Radio (Personal Interview on "The Big Picture")
BYU Radio (Creepiness of Clowns on "Constant Wonder")
LiveScience (Why is this viral image of unrecognizable objects so creepy?)
NZZ am Sonntag (Why do we trust imposters?) (Gossip as a social skill)
Portland Press-Herald (Gossip as a social skill)
Noticias (Brazil) (Why is a photograph of unrecognizable objects so creepy?)
Gridpop (Why is a photograph of unrecognizable objects so creepy)
Tribun Manado (Why is a photograph of unrecognizable objects so creepy?)
Business Mirror (Gossip is a social skill - not a character flaw)
Stylist Magazine (Why you care so much about the new royal baby)
Banjarmasin Post (Why does looking at this photograph of unrecognizable objects stress you out?)
TV 2, Norway (Why did this picture go viral - and why is it so disturbing?)
Improbable Research (Creepiness of Clowns)
Caribbean News Service (Why the "Momo" character is so creepy)
Newsweek (Poland) (Gossip is what makes us human)
National Geographic Kids (Why are clowns creepy?)
Screen Shot 2018-12-27 at 9.13.48 AM.png

Newsweek (Intellectual Humility)

​ (Creepiness)


FamilienService (Germany - Why High School Stays with You Forever)


TKM (Creepiness)


The Journal Gazette (Creepiness) (Creepiness)


RahulSharmaWeb (Happiness) (Creepiness)


Student Edge (Creepiness of Clowns)


Observador (Creepy Clowns)


ACEs Connection Network (Life in Isolation)


Compatible Creatures (Creepiness)


Heat Street (Creepiness)

​ (Why high school stays with us forever)


Vancouver 24 hrs (Creepiness of Clowns)

​ (Multiple stories)


Detroit Lakes Online (Creepiness)


World Breaking News (Mail Order Brides)


The Kingston Whig-Standard (Creepiness of Clowns)


Ultime Notizie (Happiness - Italy) (Creepiness)


Healthier Life (Things that predict long life)

​ (Happiness)


Thrillist (Creepiness of Clowns) (Sweden) (Creepiness)

​ (Creepiness)


Latest Nigerian News (Happiness)


SFGate (Creepy Clowns)


IOL (Creepy Clowns)


Latest News (Creepiness) (Creepiness)


I4U News (High school memories)


Guru Meditation (French - Creepiness)


Huntingdon Herald-Dispatch (Happiness)


WJBR 99.5 (Creepiness of Clowns) (Creepiness of Dolls)


The Verge


The Huffington Post


Business Insider (Creepiness)


The Smithsonian (Awkwardness of Family Life)


Mornings with Jenny Marchant (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)(Grief over the loss of a pet)


The Independent (Mail Order Brides)


Forbes Magazine (Creepy Clowns)


KQED (PBS - San Francisco - Creepiness)


Quartz (Happiness)


WBUR (NPR - Boston; Creepiness of Clowns)


"Doctor Radio" (The Psychology Underlying the Naming of Children)


CTV News Channel (web/text story - Canadian National TV)

CTV News Channel (Video - Canadian National TV)


Time Magazine (Judging others from their e-mails)


Time Magazine (Happiness)


CBC News (Canadian Broadcasting Company - Creepiness of Clowns) (Creepiness)


WYZZ-TV/WMBD-TV (FOX/CBS TV, Peoria, IL) (Creepiness)


WQAD TV News 8 (ABC - Quad Cities Illinois/Iowa) (Creepiness)


KGO Radio, San Francisco (The Ethan Bearman Show, Standards of Female Beauty)


WMUR TV (Manchester, New Hampshire) (Creepiness)


Scientific American (Creepiness of Clowns)


WSBT TV (CBS -South Bend, Indiana) (Creepiness)


The QuickBase Blog (Judging others from e-mail)


The Arlene Bynon Show/Canada Talks (Why high school stays with you)


Magnet (Why high school stays with you)


San Antonio Express-News (Grief over dogs)


Toronto Sun (Grief over Dogs)


American Institute of Health Care Professionals (Grief over dogs)


The San Bernardino News (Mass Shootings)


Durban Sunday Times (South Africa) (Grief over dogs)


Membrana (Russia)


KMOV TV - St. Louis (Creepiness)


The News Minute (Grief over dogs)


The Conversation (Restaurant Ambiance)


Natural Blaze (Grief over dogs)


Inverse (Creepiness)


Florida News Grio (Guns & Mass Shootings)


AlterNet (Intellectual Humility)


Pennsylvania Capital-Star (Intellectual Humility)


Government Executive (Intellectual Humility)


Towle Road (Intellectual Humility)


Chicago Tribune (Intellectual Humility)


Houston Chronicle (Intellectual Humility)


The Fairfield Citizen (Intellectual Humility)


The Alton Telegraph (Intellectual Humility)


BIZCATALYST 360 (Intellectual Humility)


LittleBytes News (Intellectual Humility)


Calcutta News (Intellectual Humility)


Garn Press (Intellectual Humility)


The Daily Miner (Intellectual Humility)


Scroll India (Intellectual Humility)


Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) Intellectual Humility)


Infobae (Argentina)(Intellectual Humility)


Salon (Intellectual Humility)

​ (Charisma, fame, and politics)

​ (Can one think of Colombia as home?)


Inverse (Why the "Cats" movie trailer seems creepy)


Considerable (Grief over the loss of a dog)


The Daily Beast (The "Dine & Dash Dater")


Los Angeles Magazine (L.A.'s infamous dine-and-dash dater still thinks he's the victim)


You Tube pulls the plug on disturbing videos of kids (Coconuts)


Why some people see ghosts and other presences (The Next Truth Magazine)


The Associated Press/ (Why Nigerian Prince scams continue to dupe us)


Mass Shootings and the Violence of Young Men (The Story with Martha MacCallum - FOX News)


Time Magazine (Gun violence in America)


The Fresh Toast (Why losing a dog is so hard)


The Jewish Journal (the nature of hate)

​ (What makes a person creepy?)


Bustle (Pet bereavement policies at work?)


KitSap Sun (Is humility the key to solving polarization?)


Segredos Do Mundo (Brazil)(Why some people are afraid of clowns)


Intellectual Takeout (Politicians don't laugh at themselves anymore)


Wall Street Window (Politicians don't laugh at themselves anymore)


Utica College Center of Public Affairs and Election Research (Politicians don't laugh at themselves anymore)


Unbabel (Searching for the uncanny valley)


Medium (The Uncanny Valley)


alternet (politicians don't laugh at themselves much anymore)


In These Times (How Amazon is changing our lives)


The Week (LA's Dine-and-Dash-Dater)


Noticias ao Minuto (Characteristics of sinister people)


Project (DE) X (Intellectual Humility)


Dhaka Tribune (Gossip as a social skill)


HackSpirit (Why people are afraid of clowns)

​ (Indonesian)(Why clowns creep us out)


The New York Times (Transient Global Amnesia)


NBC News (Gossip)


Radio Health Journal (Heat & Violence)


Sarasota Herald Tribune (Transient Global Amnesia)


Stylist Magazine (Why old people hate new music)


The Independent (Transient Global Amnesia)


Her (Why older people hate new music)


Codigo Nuevo (Why parents hate their kids' music)


Medical Daily (Why old people hate new music)


CNN En Espanol (Creepy clowns & "The Joker")


EXTRA Radio (Ecuador) (Behaviors that make you seem creepy)


British Psychological Society Research Digest (Best psychology links on the web this week)


Albany Democrat-Herald (Why old people hate new music)


STAR (Greece) (What do your dreams mean?


The Lisa Show - BYU Radio (Creepiness of clowns)


Corvallis Gazette Times (Why old people hate new music)


The 21st (Illinois NPR) (Transient Global Amnesia)


El Confidencial (Why we like to scare ourselves)


Mother Nature News (Why we lose interest in popular music by the time we turn 33)


Twin Cities Pioneer Press (Heroes)


Hot 107.9 - Syracuse (Why old people hate new music)


BRUT Media (Why do clowns creep us out?)


The Wire (The deeply philosophical concerns of the Joker)


The Lisa Show - BYU Radio (Vampires)


Medan Inside (Indonesia) (Why old people don't like new music)


WTIP Radio - Northern Minnesota (Creepiness of Clowns)


On Point with Alex Pierson (Creepy Clowns)


The Swaddle (Creepy Clowns)


Central Time with Rob Ferrett (Wisconsin Public Radio) (How Places Creep You Out)


Science 2.0 (The architecture of creepiness)


Steam Register (The best Halloween haunted houses in America - 2016)


The Today Show (Ouija Boards)


The Big Think (Why we like to scare ourselves)


Medical Daily (Why we like to be scared)


Unilad (Why horror movies are good for you)


Yahoo Lifestyle (Haunted house offers $20,000 to anyone who can finish it)


CBC Radio One (Corner Brook, Newfoundland) (Creepy Clowns)


Global News Radio 640 - Toronto (Why we are fascinated by the paranormal)


Wisconsin Public Radio (Haunted Houses)


Radio Mitre (Why we see ghosts)


Soy Carmin (Why some people see ghosts)

​ (Creepy clown scares in Alabama)


De Standaard (Belgium) (The architecture of horror)


CNN Indonesia (Why do we like to scare ourselves?)


Time Magazine (Why are people so afraid of clowns?)


Cadena 3 (Why some people see ghosts)


Silhouette donna (Italy) (Horror can be fun - some last minute Halloween ideas)


CBC Radio One (Fear of Clowns)


El Periodico (Argentina) (Why some people see ghosts)


Market Research Newspaper (Why we fear clowns)

​ (Norway) (Why we love a blood-curdling scream)

​ (Indonesia) (Why clowns creep us out)


Multibriefs: Exclusive (The concept of home)


Zero Percent Scared (Creepiness of Clowns)


POLITICO Magazine (Donald Trump's sense of humor)

​ (Ouija Boards)


abc nyheter (Norway) (Why we love a good scream)


Aeon Magazine (What to do about the problem of creepy men?)


Magnet (Why clowns creep us out)


New Straits Times (oppression of minorities)


The Hill (Why ouija boards creep us out)


Discovery News (Why clowns creep us out)


QRIUS (What makes some men seem creepy?)


Paper Magazine (Why you can't look away from cursed images)


Diply (Why the "Momo" character is creepy)


The Conversation (Five favorite answers to questions from curious kids)


Inverse (the creepiness of the movie "Cats")


Sioux City Journal (Five favorite answers to questions from curious kids)


Delano (The problem of creepy men)


The Oskaloosa Herald (Five favorite answers to questions from curious kids)


Vida Actual (Uruguay) (Jobs in which people are e most dissatisfied)


The National Interest (5 questions you did not know you needed the answers to)


Santa Maria Times (Five favorite answers to burning questions)


Digiday (Gossip in the workplace)


Galesburg Register-Mail (Knox faculty receive exceptional achievement award)


Medium (The Weapons Effect)


atom (Why dolls creep us out so much)


The 21st Show (NPR/Illinois Public Radio) (The Science of Love)


Watch Your Back (how to protect yourself online)


Australian Broadcasting Company (Haunted old buildings)


La 100 (Argentinian Radio Station) (Why losing a dog is so hard)


Carolyn Anderson (artist, blogger) (Realism & the uncanny valley)


The Unlatched Mind Podcast (The violence of young men)


Quartz (The effects of quarantine on mental health)


Interesting Engineering (What makes a building look evil?)


Cheddar (The unexpected stress of working from home)


Vogue Magazine (How to dress while in quarantine)


G1/ (Effects of quarantine on mental health) (Brazil)


The Ahval Podcast (The effects of quarantine on mental health)


Ahval News (Dealing with the Coronavirus)


Vogue (Digital date nights)


Talking Turkey (Dealing with isolation)


The Daily Times (Pakistan) (Quarantine and mental health)


El Universo (Ecuador) (Life in Quarantine)


The Miami Herald (Judge orders lawyers to stop looking like slobs)


TV2 (Norway) (Judge orders lawyers to stop looking like slobs)


Florida Courier (Judge orders lawyers to stop looking like slobs)


Sydney Morning Herald (Judge orders lawyers to stop looking like slobs)

​ (Lawyers looking like slobs)

​ (Does small talk matter?)


Global News Radio 640 - Toronto (The mass shooting in Nova Scotia)

​ (Indonesia) (Privacy for public figures)


Yahoo Sports (Do you have to wear pants when working from home?)


Folha Vitoria (Brazil) (Quarantine & Mental health)


Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University (Fear of Clowns)


Vice (Why gossip is especially important during the pandemic)


CNN (The Science of Gossip)


"Let's Go There" with Shira & Ryan (Channel Q FM Radio, Los Angeles) (Why we love gossip)


Tech Times (Why we love gossip)


CBS Sacramento (Channel 13) (Why we love gossip)


RMF Classic (Poland) (The benefits of gossip)


CNN Mexico (The Science of Gossip)


Noticias ao Minuto (Brazil) (Why we love gossip)

​ (Indonesia) (Why we love gossip)


Sukabumi Update (why do we love gossip?)


The Clayton News (The science of gossip)


Metro (Belgium) (Why we love gossip)

​ (Indonesia) (Why we love gossip)

​ (What to tell kids about gossip and how to stop it)

​ (Why we love gossip) (U.K./Polish)


GridHot (Indonesia) (Why is this photo of unidentifiable objects so creepy)


24 Sata (Bosnian) (Gossip is not always bad)


Descopera (Romanian) (The science of gossip - and why we all do it)


The (Why doll horror movies are so creepy)


The Public Ear (Are the lives of athletes too public?)


Aeon Magazine (the nature of nostalgia)


The Agenda with Steve Paikin (TVO) (Creepiness)


La Tercera (Chile)(How to dress for telework)


El Horizonte (Mexico) (Gossip)


Tirto (Indonesia)(Why we love to gossip)


KVIA ABC Channel 7 (The science of gossip)


Australia Broadcasting Corporation (Radio Hobart, Tasmania) (The Science of Gossip)


The Advocate (Grief over the loss of a pet)


Cast Centers (Coping with Isolation)


The Beckman Beat (Psychological Impact of Quarantine)


The Examiner (Grief over the death of a pet)


LeTemps (Gossip)


Psychology Today (Psychology of Contempt)


attn: (The perks of gossip)


BangsaOnline (Indonesian) (The Nature of Happiness)


"After the First Marriage" Podcast (Dealing with gossip during divorce)


 BrandKnew (Workplace Gossip)


The Manitoban (Where is home?)


RND (Dealing with scary Halloween stuff)


Nordwest Zeitung (dealing with scary Halloween stuff)


KYR News (America's greatest Halloween fears)


Bored Panda (Creepy men harassing women in the workplace)


National Geographic France (Why clowns creep us out)


National Geographic Deutschland (Why clowns creep us out)


Muhlacker Tagblatt (Does garlic protect against vampires?)


Noizz (German)(Where do the great horror myths come from?)


Blues News (Horror clowns and other Halloween  terrors)


CNN Indonesia (The science behind nostalgia for old songs)


Volkstimme (Does garlic protect against vampires? and other horror myths)


Mortgage Rates (Mail Order Brides)


BlackRock College Radio (Why old people hate new music)


Canvas8 (Social media & the psychology of gossip)

​ (why men can "drop their armor" at home) (Polish)


Index HR (Why the choice of your child's name matters so much) (Croatia)


The Calvert Journal (The complicated concept of "home")


Vogue (Why you need to get dressed, even when you are not going anywhere)


The China Times (A guy saves a girl from a creep by pretending to know her)


The Telegraph U.K. (The do's and don'ts of zoom dating)

​ (Dealing with the psychological effects of COVID-19)


Hiptoro (A guy saves a girl from a creep by pretending to know her)


The "Next Truth" Podcast (Creepiness)


State of Mind (Italy) (Gossip)


Senior Care Partners (Home for the Holidays)


Small Screen Science Podcast (Gossip)


The BBC Programme "CrowdScience" (Gossip)


Kumparan (Indonesian) (Gossip as a social skill)


The John Oakley Show - Global News Radio 640 (Toronto) (The mass shootings at the Atlanta massage parlors)


The American Genius (How you creep people out)


Los Angeles Times (Why scam victims feel stupid and ashamed)


CrowdScience (BBC Radio Program) (The science of gossip)


IFL Science (Why we think some people are creepy)


Dan Viet (Vietnam)(Creepy Dolls)


SpinDigit (Littering)


Fight Back with Libby Znaimer (Zoomer Radio, Toronto) (The Virtues of Small Talk)


The Science Times (positive functions of gossip)


The Simply Luxurious Life (Podcast + article)(The importance of personal privacy)


IssueWire (Who litters the most?)


Femina (Hungary)(Why Tuesday is the longest and most boring day of the week)


Louisville Courier Journal (The pandemic's impact on the high school experience)


HiDoc (Korean) - Why we love gossip


Indy 100 (heat and aggression)


Deutsche Welle (Why people risk their lives to save their homes)


IFL Science (Why does violent crime go up when it gets hot?)


China Daily (Falling for "Nigerian Prince" scams)

​ (why does heat make us aggressive?)


DT Next (why we risk our lives to save our homes)


Ecozen (Greece) (Because hot weather makes us unhappy)


Digitec (Falling for Nigerian Prince Scams) (Switzerland)


BBC Wales (The Dog Detectives)


Frontline (India)(Why do people risk their lives to save their homes?


Best Life Hub (Smiling)


The Independent (people get meaner and fight more when it is hotter)


Senior Care Partners (Home for the Holidays)


Libertatea (Romania) (Why does heat make people aggressive?)


Playtech (Romania) (Why does heat make people aggressive)


Misiones Online (Spanish) Why losing a dog is so hard


The Kryptid Keeper (Creepy Dolls)


WalletHub (2021's happiest states in America)

​ (Where does Pennsylvania rank on happiness?)

​ (New Mexico is not a happy state)


Ladders (7 people skills of truly charming people)


Medium (7 people skills of charming people)


VN Express (people skills of charming people)


Bao Ha Tinh (7 powers of charismatic people)


The Vermont Cynic (Parasocial Relationships)


Your Tango Magazine (Gossip)

​ (Gossip)(Indonesia)


The Quinnipiac Chronicle (Gossip is Good)


dBalears (Catalan)(Good testosterone & bad testosterone)


yahoo! life (why we love Halloween haunted houses)

​ (Why people think clowns are scary)


Whatsnew2day (Why we are obsessed with Halloween haunted houses)


Pehal News (Why we are obsessed with haunted houses)(India)


The Branding Store (Signs your website looks more like a haunted house than a welcoming home)


Smithsonian Magazine (Creepy historical dolls)


The  Winnipeg Sun (Why we like to be scared)

El Confidencial (Spain) - Who sees ghosts?


Codigo Nuevo (Spain (Who see ghosts?)


The Hill (What ouija boards know about us)


GQ (Spain) (Intelligence in Men may not be as sexy as we think)


The Informed Traveler (Why we like to visit spooky places)


ABC News 10 - Sacramento (Britney Spears & California Conservatorships)


Psychology Today Magazine (How to not be creepy)

​ (How can horror movies be fun?) (Indonesian)


SuMedico (Spanish) (What makes a man "sexy"?


Zonautara (Indonesian) (Gossip as a social skill)

​ (Spanish) (Why old people hate new music)


ED Times (India) (Why ghosts haunt sone people more than others)


Portal do Dog (Portuguese) (The loss of a pet)

​ (Albert Einstein & the secret to happiness)


The Hill (Albert Einstein & the secret to happiness)


Association for Psychological Science (Why we are obsessed with haunted houses)


NOW 93.3 FM (Why we are obsessed with haunted houses)


Portal FM (103.1 FM) (Why we love haunted houses)


Musings on retirement (Can we forget the taste of fear?)


Sound of Life (The shock & horror factor of haunted houses)


Mendoza Post (Spanish) (Why does heat make us violent?)


Bravo (German) (Albert Einstein & the secret to happiness)


Diario de Cuyo (Argentina) (The history of the "hi stranger" morbid video)


Zonautara (Indonesia) (Why we like scary situations)


Hindustan Times (Old people do not like new music)


Zonautara (Indonesia) (Why old people hate new music)


Screen Shot Magazine (Why do we hate newer music as we get older?)


Retizen (Indonesia) (Why we don't like new music as we age)


La Vanguardia (Spanish) (Why musical tastes change as we age)


detikhealth (Indonesia) (Pediaphobia: Fear of Dolls)

​ (Indonesia) (Pediaphobia: Fear of Dolls)


Commonwealth Magazine (Chinese) (Why we don't like new music as we get older)


Commonwealth Magazine (Chinese) (Gossip isn't a sin)


Fakt (Poland)(Why do people see ghosts?)

​ (Czech)(Tips on how to have a conversation)


Religion Dispatches (What can a real-life haunting tell us about American religion?)


El Espanol (Spanish)(Why old people hate new music)


Ceviri Gazetisi (Turkey) (Why clowns creep us out)


The National Post (Creepiness of Clowns)


Lifehacker (How to convey dominance while smiling)(also appears in Eminetra Canada)


Nodaway News Leader (The courage to be humble)


A Little Bit Human (The science of gossip)

​ (the hazards of social isolation)


The Bigger Picture (On the nature of creepiness)


The Westport Library (Possessed Dolls)


Digital Leaders (Will the next generation of robots make us feel less lonely?)


Hollywood Insider (Our healthy and unhealthy obsession with celebrity couples)


Khaleej Times (The upside of workplace gossip)


Bored Panda (Cursed Images)


Miss (What it feels like to see ghosts((Austria)


YouTube (Response to "How to tell if you're boring")

​ (Indonesia) (How to stop gossiping during Ramadan)


Gentside (France) (Why male and female friendships are so different)


Semana (Colombia) (Why we love to gossip)


Forskning.No (Norway) (Why we are obsessed with celebrities)


Codigo Nuevo (Spanish)(Female friendships offer more emotional support than male friendships)


Business Daily (Getting over being boring)


hazipatika (Hungary) (Why we can't be happy all of the time)


Activa (Portugal) (What makes a person boring)


Smithsonian Magazine (Why do creepy dolls keep washing up on Texas beaches?)


Bored Panda (Woman gets called inconsiderate for not telling her Japanese girlfriend and her parents that she's fluent in Japanese)


Bored Panda (Toilets with threatening auras)

​ (Why young men become shooters)


Bored Panda (Why we are drawn to things we can't identify)


New York Times (Why mass shooters are usually young men)


The Baltimore Sun (Why mass shooters are usually young men)


Raw Story (Disturbing new trend in mass shootings)


South Florida Sun Sentinel (Disturbing new trend in mass shootings)


Chicago Tribune (Disturbing new trend in mass shootings)

​ (Indonesia) (Why some people see ghosts)


World Journal (Chinese) (Nine mass shootings, six committed by young people)


News 18 (India) (Is the "angry young male" trope prompting America's shooting epidemic)


Boston Hassle (Why we fear clowns)


Aventuras Na Historia (Brazil) (Bizarre dolls on Texas beaches)


Telex (Hungary) (Why are we afraid of clowns?)


lifeboxset (Spanish) (Why old people don't like new music)


China Daily (Why mass shooters are young men)


Revista Central (Spanish) (Why do some people see ghosts?)


Bored Panda (Disturbing t-shirts)


The Seattle Times (Why are mass shooters getting younger?)

​ (Why mass shooters are young men) (Portuguese)


Primeiro Jornal (Brazil)(Why are mass shooters so young?)


Play Crazy Game (Why mass shooters are so young)


News 18 (Why are clowns so damn scary?)


The Swaddle (Are we wired to be discontented?)


Magdalene (Fear of Satan and the unseen)(Indonesia)


Barisan (Gossip about celebrities)(Indonesia)


Bored Panda (Funny & Confusing cursed images)


Your Tango Magazine (Creepiness)


Australian Broadcasting Company (Is gossip good for us?)


Sonora (Is gossip good for us?)(Indonesia)


Suara (The positive side of gossip)(Indonesia)


Inside Higher Ed (Is physically risky bravery a 'guy thing'?)


Bored Panda (Oddly terrifying signs from around the world)


The Swaddle (Why people hate remakes of songs they love)


WGIL (Galesburg, IL Talk Radio)(Why are we fascinated by celebrities?)


Dagens Nyheter (Sweden)(What makes someone creepy?)


Terra (Chile)(Traits that make you seem creepy)


POSToast (Why are cafe tables round?)


The Huffington Post (Creepy Dolls)


Yahoo News (Creepy Dolls)


Inside Higher Ed (Why do some people see ghosts while others don't?)


Forbes Argentina (What is personal branding and what is it for?)


wprost (Poland) (Can women's leadership stop wars?)


Real Simple (the right way to handle family gossip over the holidays)


Yahoo (The right way to handle juicy family gossip over the holidays)


Vogue (Mexico)(The best flats and loafers to wear with socks that are actually stylish)


Daily Herald (Home for the holidays wherever you happen to be)


Bored Panda (50 times people saw creepy things and just had to share them)


Bored Panda (40 oddly horrifying pictures from the past)


El Horizonte (Spain) (Gossip is part of human nature)


Collider (why are we scared of dolls?)


Interez (Slovakia)(Fear of Dolls)


Expresso 50 (Portugal)(Kids, guns, & school shootings)


Vanity Fair (M3GAN & the history of creepy killer dolls)


Bored Panda (Creepy Photographs)


Kinobox (Czech Republic) (Killer Doll Movies)


Mega Curioso (Brazil)(Why are we afraid of dolls?)

​ (Germany)(Release of Knorkator's 5th vinyl album)


Tribuna Popular (Brazil) (Why are we so interested in the lives of others?)


Surface Magazine (M3GAN movie review)


NABAMPLIFY (M3GAN: Moviemakers know what you want)

​ (Positive & negative aspects of gossip)


XNEWS (Indonesia) (Why is gossiping fun?)

​ (Argentina) (The Benefits of Gossip)


Yes, Therapy Helps (.com)(The 10 worst professions in the world)


Fashion Journal (The power of office gossip)


BBC Worklife (the perks and peril of remote-work gossip)


Your Tango Magazine (10 psychological reasons people gossip behind your back)


yahoo! life (The "Vanderpump" cheating scandal)


Celebitchy (Gossip is a social skill, not a character flaw)


Bored Panda (On the naming of twins)


Bored Panda (High School Memories)


Yahoo Life (Is gossip good for you?)


Hack Spirit (How to spot a judgmental person)


Bored Panda (Evil Buildings)


Newsweek (Mysterious creepy ghostly video)


Tren Asia (Indonesia)(Why humans love to gossip)

​ (in Spanish) (Does heat put people in a bad mood?)


Critica (Panama) (Does heat make people aggressive?)


Psychology Today (The pressure to excel is stressing kids out)


Rolling Stone Magazine (Gossip & Tik-Tok)

​ (Why spooky movies might be good for you)


River Cities' Reader (unraveling the mystery of dolls)


The Web Writer Spotlight (Jump scares in Halloween movies)


The Washington Post (Why are people afraid of clowns?)


Bored Panda (Liminal Spaces)


Newsmax (Why people think that clowns are creepy)


Tekniikan Maailma (Finland) (Why we fear clowns)


LA TERCERA (Spanish) (Why people are afraid of clowns)


Bored Panda (Oddly terrifying images)


Mashable (TikTok Vigilantes)

​ (the effects of solitary confinement)


Blue Summit Supplies (being approachable at woek)


Strike Magazine (Obsession with celebrities)


Women's Health U.K. (Gossip & Health)


Alinea.ID (Indonesian) (Older people are more resigned to death)


Popverse (Are horror movies good for mental health?)


Spin Magazine (Why do old people hate new music?)


Bored Panda (Man gets called a "Pervert" for hanging out with co-worker's seven-year-old daughter)


The Brown and White (Gossip)


Beautynesia (Indonesia) (Can Gossip Be Good?)


Voice of Islam Radio (U.K) (Gossip)


Mishpacha (Jewish Family Weekly) (Forever High School)


VOI (Indonesia) (Why we love the music from our youth)


INTHEBLACK - CPA - Australia (upside of workplace gossip)


Bored Panda (Receiving disturbing notes)


Sydney Morning Herald (Crushing death of a pet)


Florida Politics (Universal's Orlando Horror Nights)

​ (Awkward family Photos)


Textual (Chile) (Loneliness & its Effects)


Infobae (Spanish) (Making Friends After 50)


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