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     Academic Publications

in the 1970s

McAndrew, F.T. (1978). Memory disruption in mice following immersion in cold water. Journal of General Psychology, 99, 151-152.


McAndrew, F.T., Ryckman, R.M., Horr, W., & Solomon, R. (1978). The effects of invader placement of spatial markers on territorial behavior in a college population. Journal of Social Psychology, 104, 149-150.


Hodosh, R.J., Ringo, J., & McAndrew, F.T. (1979). Density and lek displays in Drosophila grimshawi. Ethology: International Journal of Behavioural Biology, 49, 164-172. (Formerly Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie)


in the 1980s

McAndrew, F.T. (1981). Pattern of performance and attributions of ability and genderPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 7, 583-587.


McAndrew, F.T. (1982, February). Interpersonal attraction, arousal, and nonverbal immediacy behaviors. Dissertation Abstracts International, 42, 3499-3500b.


Nichols, K.R., and McAndrew, F.T. (1984). Stereotyping and autostereotyping in Spanish, Malaysian, and American college students. Journal of Social Psychology, 124, 179-189.


McAndrew, F.T., Gold, J.A., Lenney, E., & Ryckman, R.M. (1984). Explorations in immediacy: The nonverbal system and its relationship to affective and situational factors. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 8, 210-228.


McAndrew, F.T. (1984). Comparative psychology, ethology, and external validity: Does it always matter if the snark is a boojum? Comparative Psychology Newsletter, 4, 1-4.


McAndrew, F.T. (1985). A classroom demonstration of the primacy effect in the attribution of ability. Teaching of Psychology, 12, 209-211.


O'Connell, B.J., Harper, R.S., & McAndrew, F.T. (1985). Grip strength as a function of exposure to red or green visual stimulation. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 61,1157-1158.


Bardack, N.R., and McAndrew, F.T. (1985). The influence of physical attractiveness and manner of dress on success in a simulated personnel decision. Journal of Social Psychology, 125, 777-778.


McAndrew, F.T., and Warner, J.E. (1986). Arousal seeking and the maintenance of mutual gaze in same and mixed-sex dyads. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 10, 168-172.


Harris, P.B., and McAndrew, F.T. (1986). Territoriality and compliance: The influence of gender and location on willingness to sign petitions. Journal of Social Psychology, 126, 657-662.


McAndrew, F.T. (1986). A cross-cultural study of recognition thresholds for facial expressions of emotion. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 17, 211-224.


McAndrew, F.T. (1987). Decoding visual dominance among Pakistani college studentsJournal of Social Psychology, 127, 317-320.


Thieman, T.J., McAndrew, F.T., Arnold, J.D., Rosenkoetter, J.S., Baker, L., Lombardi, B., & Zachry, W.H. (1987). Instructor's Manual and Test File to Accompany Feldman's Understanding Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill.


Hoots, M.A., McAndrew, F.T., & Francois, G.R. (1989). Decoding of gestures in kindergarten, first, and third grade children. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 150117-118.


in the 1990s

McAndrew, F.T. (1990). The Semantic Differential Scale of National Stereotypes. In E. Perloff (Ed.), Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI). Pittsburgh, PA: Behavioral Measurement Database Service.


McAndrew, F.T. (1990). Auto- and Heterostereotyping in Pakistani, French, and American college students. Journal of Social Psychology, 130, 341-351.


Johnson, J.L., McAndrew, F.T., & Harris, P.B. (1991). Sociobiology and the naming of adopted And natural children. Evolution and Human Behavior, 12, 365-375. (Formerly Ethology and Sociobiology)


McAndrew, F.T. (1993). Environmental Psychology. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. ISBN: 0534193080 (Also published in three different Chinese editions, one Indian edition, one Arabic translation, one Iranian translation (Farsi), & a customized edition for use at Arizona State University)


Goodman, G.H., and McAndrew, F.T. (1993). Domes and Astroturf: A note on the relationship between the physical environment and the performance of major league baseball players. Environment and Behavior, 25, 121-125.


McAndrew, F.T. (1993). The home advantage in individual sports. Journal of Social Psychology, 133, 401-403.


McAndrew, F.T., and Akande, A. (1995). African Perceptions of Americans of African and European Descent. Journal of Social Psychology, 135, 649-655.


McAndrew, F.T. (1995). What is "Environmental Psychology", and what can it offer to students concerned about environmental issues? Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 1689-92.


McAndrew, F.T. (1996). A classroom demonstration of the primacy effect in the attribution of ability. In M.E. Ware & D.E. Johnson (Eds.), Handbook of Demonstrations and Activities in the Teaching of Psychology. (Volume III) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


McAndrew, F.T. (1998). The Measurement of "Rootedness" and the Prediction of Attachment to Hometowns in College Students. The Journal of Environmental Psychology, 18, 409-417.


McAndrew, F.T., Akande, A., Turner, S., & Sharma, Y. (1998). A cross-cultural ranking of stressful life events in Germany, India, South Africa, & the United States. Journal of Cross- Cultural Psychology, 29, 717-727.


Soliman, D.R. & McAndrew, F.T. (1998). Self-Concept in Arabs and Arab-Americans. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 3, 124-126.

in the 2000s

McAndrew, F.T. (2000). A classroom demonstration of the primacy effect in the attribution of ability. In M.E. Ware & D.E. Johnson (Eds.), Handbook of Demonstrations and Activities in the Teaching of Psychology. (Volume III), 2nd Edition,  Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

McKinney, B.A., & McAndrew, F.T. (2000). Sexuality, gender, and sport: Does playing have a price? Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 5, 152-158.

McAndrew, F.T., Akande, A., Bridgstock, R., Mealey, L., Gordon, S., Scheib, J., Akande-Adetoun, B.E., Odeale, F., Morakinyo, A., Nyahete, P., & Mubvakure, G. (2000). A Multicultural Study of Stereotyping in English-Speaking Countries. Journal of Social Psychology, 140, 487-502.


Brackney, M., & McAndrew, F.T. (2001). Ecological world views and receptivity to different types of arguments for preserving endangered species. Journal of Environmental Education, 33, 17-20.

McAndrew, F. T. (2002). New evolutionary perspectives on altruism: Multilevel selection and costly signaling theories. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 79-82.

McAndrew, F.T., King, J.C., & Honoroff, L.R. (2002). A Sociobiological Analysis of Namesaking Patterns in 322 American Families. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32, 851-864.

McAndrew, F.T., & Milenkovic, M.A. (2002). Of tabloids and family secrets: The evolutionary psychology of gossip. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32, 1064-1082.


McAndrew, F. T. (2003). Evolution and the problem of altruism: Current and historical perspectives. In S. Shohov (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research, Volume 27 (pp. 277-288) Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Carlson, E. A., & McAndrew, F. T. (2004). Body shape ideals and perceptions of body shape in Spanish and American college students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 99, 1071-1074.


Minervini, B. P., & McAndrew, F. T. (2006). The mating strategies and mate preferences of mail order brides. Cross-Cultural Research, 40, 111-129.


Klinesmith, J., Kasser, T., & McAndrew, F. T. (2006). Guns, testosterone, and aggression: An experimental test of a mediational model. Psychological Science, 17568-571.


Rybak, A., & McAndrew, F. T. (2006). How do we decide who our friends are? Defining levels of friendship in Poland and the United States. Journal of Social Psychology. 146, 147-163.


Turner, S. L., & McAndrew, F. T. (2006). A Laboratory Simulation of Parental Investment Decisions: The Role of Future Reproductive Opportunity and Offspring Quality in Determining Levels of Parental Investment. Evolutionary Psychology, 4, 197-207.


McAndrew, F. T. (2006). Female infidelity and paternal uncertainty: Evolutionary perspectives on male anti-cuckoldry tactics. A review of a book by the same title by S.M. Platek & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 27, 367-371.


McAndrew, F. T., Bell, E. K., & Garcia, C. M. (2007). Who do we tell, and whom do we tell on? Gossip as a strategy for status enhancementJournal of Applied Social Psychology, 37, 1562-1577.


McAndrew, F. T., & Garrison, A. J. (2007). Beliefs about gender differences in methods and causes for suicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 11, 271-279.


De Backer, C., Nelissen, M., Vyncke, P., Braeckman, J., & McAndrew, F. T. (2007)Celebrities: From teachers to friends. A test of two hypotheses on the adaptiveness of celebrity gossip. Human Nature, 18, 334-354.


McAndrew, F. T. (2008). Can gossip be good? Scientific American MindOctober/November, 26-33. (Cover Story)


McAndrew, F. T. (2008). The psychology of gossip. Psychology Teacher Network, 175-7.


McAndrew, F. T. (2008). Love Gossip? Don't worry. It's only human nature. Knox Magazine, 92 (Spring), 14-15.


Klinesmith, J., Kasser, T., & McAndrew, F. T. (2008). Guns, testosterone, and aggression. In W. A. Lesko (Ed.), Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic, and Contemporary Selections (7th Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.


McAndrew, F. T. (2009). The interacting roles of testosterone and challenges to status in human male aggression. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 14, 330-335.


in the 2010s

Stringfellow, E. L., & McAndrew, F. T. (2010). Parents’ Divorce is More Strongly Related to the Self-Perceived Promiscuity and Drinking Behavior of Male than of Female College Students. Journal of College Student Development, 51, 599- 600.


McAndrew, F. T. (2011). Can Gossip be Good? In M. Cunningham (Ed.), The Reader’s Edge: Book Two (pp. 525-531). New York: McGraw-Hill.


McAndrew, F. T., & De Jonge, C. R. (2011). Electronic person perception: What do we infer about people from the style of their e-mail messages? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2, 403-407.


Mast, J. F., & McAndrew, F. T. (2011). Violent lyrics in heavy metal music can increase aggression in males. North American Journal of Psychology, 13, 63-64.


McAndrew, F. T., & Perilloux, C. (2012). The Selfish Hero: A study of the individual benefits of self-sacrificial prosocial behavior. Psychological Reports, 111, 27-43.

McAndrew, F. T., & Perilloux, C. (2012). Is self-sacrificial competitive altruism primarily a male activity? Evolutionary Psychology, 10, 50-65.

McAndrew, F. T. and Jeong, H. S. (2012). Who does what on Facebook? Age, Sex, and Relationship Status as Predictors of Facebook Use. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 2359-2365.

McAndrew, F. T. & Shah, S. (2013). Sex differences in jealousy over Facebook activity. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 2603-2606.

McAndrew, F. T. (2014). On civilizing the unwashed masses. A review of Amy Alkon, Good Manners for Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*CK. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin. Evolutionary Psychology, 12, 827-828.


McAndrew, F. T. (2014). The “Sword of a Woman:” Gossip and female aggression. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19, 196-199.


McAndrew, F. T. (2015). What men endure to be men. A review of Jonathan Gottschall, The Professor in the Cage: Why Men Fight, and Why We Like to Watch. New York: Penguin Press. Evolutionary Psychology, September, 1-2.


McAndrew, F. T. (2015). Environmental Psychology. New Delhi, India: Indo-American Books. (ISBN : 9382661328)


McAndrew, F. T. (2016). The Truth About Happiness. In L. Gaetz (Ed.), Avenues 1 - English Skills (2nd edition), pp. 31-33. Montreal, Canada: Pearson-ERPI.

McAndrew, F., T. (2016). Mail Order Brides. In T. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. New York: Springer International Publishing.


Knutson, J. A., & McAndrew, F. T. (2016). The Experience of Competition in Same- versus Mixed-Sex Team Sports. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 24, 7-13.


De Backer, C. J. S., Larson, C., Fisher, M. L., McAndrew, F. T., & Rudnicki, K. (2016)When strangers start to gossip: Investigating the effects of gossip on cooperation in a prisoner's dilemma gameEvolutionary Psychological Science, 2, 266-277.


McAndrew, F. T. (2016, September 29). Why Clowns Creep Us OutScientific American.


McAndrew, F. T., & Koehnke, S. S. (2016). On the Nature of Creepiness. New Ideas in Psychology, 43, 10-15.


McAndrew, F. T. (2017). Competition. In P. I. Joseph (Ed.), The Sage Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives. (pp. 367-368). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


McAndrew, F. T. (2017, July 10). Four Underestimated Markers of Female BeautyPsychology Today, 50 (6), 42-43.


McAndrew, F. T. (2017). How “The Gossip” became a woman and how “Gossip” became her weapon of choice. In M. L. Fisher (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Women and Competition (pp. 191-205). New York: Oxford University Press.


McAndrew, F., T. (2018). War. In T. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. New York: Springer International Publishing.


Bird, A. E., & McAndrew, F. T. (2019). Does namesaking a child influence attachment style? North American Journal of Psychology, 21, 39-44.


McAndrew, F.T. (2019)Gossip as a Social Skill.  In F. Giardini & R. Wittek (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation, pp. 173-192.  New York: Oxford University Press.


McAndrew, F. T. (2019, October 21). Houses of Horror. Aeon.


McAndrew, F. T. (2019, October 29). How Stories about Haunted Houses Become Self-Perpetuating. Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Blog, Boston: Academic Studies Press.


in the 2020s

McAndrew, F. T. (2020)Environmental Psychology. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C: Wu-Nan Book Inc. (ISBN: 9780534193089)


McAndrew, F. T. (2020). The Psychology, Geography, and Architecture of Horror: How Places Creep Us Out. Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture, 4(2), 47-61. (available online, October 7, 2019)


McAndrew, F. T. (2021). Workplace Gossip. In R. Griffin (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Management, New York: Oxford University Press.


McAndrew, F., T. (2021). Costly Signaling Theory. In T. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, pp. 1525-1532.  New York: Springer International Publishing.


McAndrew, F., T. (2021). Heroic Rescue in Humans. In T. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, pp. 3677-3683. New York: Springer International Publishing.


McAndrew, F. T. (2021). Why Caring About Celebrities Can Be Good for You. In L.Idzikowski (Ed.), Introducing Issues with Opposing Viewpoints: Celebrity Culture. Plymouth, MA: Greenhaven Publishing.


McAndrew, F. T. (2022). The namesaking of children as a strategy for managing kin relations and bonding fathers to their children. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 16 (3), 220-228.


McAndrew, F.T. (2023). You can’t be happy all the time, but don’t stop trying. In L. Gaetz & D. Pelaez Gaetz (Eds.), Avenues 1 - English Skills (3rd Ed.). Montreal: Pearson ERPI. ISBN13: 9782766153794


McAndrew, F. T. (2023). If you give a man a gun: The evolutionary psychology of mass shootings. In J. Densley (Ed.) The Conversation on Guns, pp. 54-61. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.


McAndrew, F. T. (2023, May/June). How to Have a Great ConversationPsychology Today, 56 (3), 44-45.


McAndrew, F. T., & Sbai, Z. (2024). Perceptions of the personalities of namesaked children as a function of their gender and birth orderPsychological Reports, 126 (5), (available online November 8, 2023)


McAndrew, F. T. (2024). Heroic Behavior as Costly Signaling. In Allison, S. T., Goethals, G., Beggan, J., & Kinsella, E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies, pp. 902-906, Springer, Cham.   (available online September 20, 2023).


McAndrew, F.T., Doriscar, J.E., Schmidt, N.T., & Niebauer, C. (2025). Explorations in Creepiness: Tolerance for Ambiguity and Susceptibility to "Not Just Right Experiences" Predict the Ease of Getting "Creeped Out." Journal of Psychology, 159 (1), 36-55. (available online July 9, 2024)


McAndrew, F. T. (2025). Ghosts. In T. Shackelford (Ed.),  Encyclopedia of Religious Psychology and Behavior. Berlin: Springer. (available online September 8, 2024)


McAndrew, F. T. (Editor - Book in Progress - projected publication in 2027). Handbook of Evolutionary Social Psychology. Berlin: De Gruyter.


McAndrew, F. T. (Book Chapter in Preparation - projected publication in 2027). Why Mass Shooters Are Usually Young Men. In F. T. McAndrew (Ed.), Handbook of Evolutionary Social Psychology. Berlin: De Gruyter.

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