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Francis T. McAndrew Ph.D.
Social Psychologist
College & High School Wrestling Memories
Wrestling at King's College in the 1970s
(A lot of comical characters and a lot of fun memories)
Click HERE for the current King's College wrestling website

Ned McGinley was my coach at King's; my freshman year was the third year of the program. Ned had an unbelievable run of 48 years as the King's head coach, and he is arguably the 2nd longest serving college coach in any sport at any level in NCAA history.
Check out this video honoring his career and accomplishments.

After College . . .
When I was In graduate school at the University of Maine, I worked out with the wrestling team as a volunteer assistant coach and competed when I could. I won the university's intramural championship a couple of times and I won an occasional match in open tournaments, but my career as a wrestler after college never really amounted to much.
My West Side Central Catholic High School Years

An old nun who was my math teacher at the time went to her first wrestling meet. The next day in class, thinking that she was paying me a compliment, said in front of everyone: "Well, Mr. McAndrew! You do very well for a lad with no muscles." Seeing this photo convinced me that she was correct.

These are the Other Guys from my High School Graduating Class Who were on the Wrestling Team as Seniors

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